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Congrats on this release & thanks for the Steam key!

ever time i reload the game it keep giving me




action number 1

of Create Event

for object obj_worldgen:

File is not opened for reading.

at gml_Script_file_text_read_list


gml_Script_file_text_read_list (line -1)




Any chance you will release this beauty for Mac as well?

I'll be the first customer :)

Looks amazing


Congrats on a successful release! And thanks for an even better game~!


Those who have bought the game on itch io can now redeem a key for steam.

This can be found on the purchase page, which can be found by logging into itch, going to your game library and clicking Hero's Hour, or by finding the email you were originally sent when you purchased the game.

Reviews on steam from users who haven't paid for the game will count for less, but this can be counteracted if you pick up the Supporter Edition DLC.

Hi, no Supporter Edition DLC on Itch ? It is only for Steam users ?

(1 edit) (+1)

Check on the download page for the game if you bought it here on itch, and the steam key is there now! Thanks for the key, dev!

I did buy the supporters DLC, but how do I enable the supporter edition sprites?


Great game! The dev(s) is very active! Id like to say thank you for the steam key as I only used to get heros hours and find it slightly difficult to navigate itch for the updates you frequently release so the steam key was a wonderful gift, will make keeping up to date with Hero's hour much easier and now I can add it to my steam collection :) cheers!

In 2.0.4b there is an error in the tutorial. It isn't possible to purchase Goblin Gunners in the first city without first building the Workshop. The need to build the Workshop isn't noted as a step in the tutorial.


The building "Tech-tree" is randomized for each game, I guess that includes the tutorial

fixeed! This was a silly mistake I wouldn't have caught if not for you

(1 edit)

in 2.0.4b, korean translate of 'Curse' is somehow translate as 'stronger enemy' guess should 'weaker enemey'

also 'over rampart' and 'open gate' reversed translate issue still exist.

(icon seems okay)

guess it seems not affect on english and only affect on some language.

You can copy paste this into the translation-issues channel on Discord.

Can you add mod option for the 3 faction  bonuses that every faction has on lexicon  like infernal gate throne of dead and so on the sample mod faction doesn't have any. or the ability to choose what buildings  your faction has another cool mod option would be making spells 


if you have previous edition do you just delete it and redownload this version or is there a better way to do it haha

I have found a bug in skirmishes. When you play the custom one and start it you can give commands to both sides of the army. And when after this custom skirmish you start a normal one, where you buy your units for gold and fight a premade army... but here the controls for controlling both sides are still present. So the challenge is gone if you use it.

But when you start normal skirmish without starting the custom one, the controls are not present :)

So if you want you can cheat at these skirmishes this one, but i don't thing its a good thing :)

(2 edits)

v2.0.0 the map dance of death is broken. it is impossible to reach the enemy in it due to misplacement of the guard post. (tested on GOG version but I couldn't find how to contact devs there)

actually why does say v2.0.1 but GOG say v2.0.0?


I have a question.

Where can I get a steam key?


You cant. Yet.

thank you


We have to wait for Steam to give the devs the keys, as mentioned on the bottom of the description on this page

thank you

Hey there love the game so far!!! My only complaint is this: I like to play 2 vs 2 a lot (me and cpu vs 2 cpu) and like 9 times out of 10 my partner gets wrecked before it even gets out of the starting area D:

One newbie friendly strategy is start with Economic hero instead of combat ones, you can get early advantage like 60% discount to all building or Units and extra gold and unit generation 
Than in week 2 or 3 you just buy combat hero and use those extra units to steamroll all neutral stacks and closest enemy AI or at least have powerful enough army to stall until your friend comes to help. Pillar faction seems to be exceptionally good at pulling this off. And they have quite powerful lineup of units.

This looks nice. Just one question: is the co-op online or couch?

hot seat so couch, but it's really easy to set up remote play and play with someone over internet


Looking forward to getting my steam key, so I can also get the supporter pack DLC too!


same here [̲̅$̲̅(̲̅ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°̲̅)̲̅$̲̅]

Deleted 1 year ago


(1 edit) (+5)

Looking forward to getting my steam key, so I can also get the supporter pack DLC too!

(3 edits) (+1)

Creation does not give option to create after winning a siege defense battle.

I made a map where I am under constant onslaught and barely defending in my castle. It is a lot of fun, but this skill that is pretty integral just does not do anything.

I am playing on the steam release version.

EDIT: I think it is caused by there not being a victory screen after defensive battles? I would also like to view the outcome of the battle, how many units I lost etc, it is just not there.

So, I would really love to play this game with my friends far away.  I know you've said multiplayer is kinda a lower priority, or at least I feel like I've seen that somewhere.  I'm wondering though, now that it's on steam, could you enable steam remote play?  This would allow me to play with my friends in hotseat mode even if they aren't anywhere near me.  Either way, thanks for the awesome game!! Just wanting to share it with more people!


you could just use Parsec. it's like steam remote play but it seems more consistent with more settings to tweak. At least in my experience


New update looks great! Shame about what you did to the demo, but I understand why you did it.

Yea, it's a bit sad. At least the two lower rings of buildings in town aren't as important as they might feel like


Congrats on the Steam release :D

Steam keysssssssssssssssssssss :D Thanks for this great game man!

Congrats for the release! Exciting


thank you for your well wishes! Copy pasting the bottom of the newest dev-log:


If you've already bought the game on itch - you don't have to buy it on steam! We'll get you a steam key as soon as steam delivers them to us. We'll get up a page on itch where you can redeem keys at that point, then do another devlog to tell you that it's up.


thanks for the update! can't wait!


Sweet!  Glad to hear this.



Congratulations on steam release.


Congrats on the steam release!

quick question- how/when will itch buyers get steam keys? (I saw a comment saying that was a thing)


Following because I want my steeeeaaamm keeeyyy. :)


@ Discord says: " ... 


If you've already bought the game on itch - you don't have to buy it on steam! We'll get you a steam key as soon as steam delivers them to us. We'll get up a page on itch where you can redeem keys and do another @ everyone ping and update at that point. ..." 



Yay thank you!


Thank you, looking forward to having this great game in my Steam library too :D



A few quick questions, ITAD says that the game is on sale on the site, but I'm not seeing it so I want to know if it's worth buying it here for the Steam key or buy it on Steam for 10% off. Also, the other question was, does the supporter pack come included with the purchase or will it be separate either way to get more units for that small price?

Deleted 2 years ago

Ore is Ore, aether is a special resource


i hope those who bought the game here will receive steam keys

(1 edit)

We will... It has been confirmed on discord, just not when.


Any news on a mac port?

Please :)

Major army decimating bug discovered! 

When using Training Grounds, if you leave your units inside the exchange window and open town, hero window, clues or spellbook they disappear! (took the time to confirm this, check other windows players might open too. Might be a good idea to never ACTUALLY remove units from the army until an exchange is made in any format). plz fix.

Thankfully my last save wasn't too far back.

Looking forward to official release tomorrow.


How can I access the soundtrack of the game? I can see some songs in my install folder but it seems to only be the theme of each faction. I really like the main songs from the campaign map.

Thank you!


Missed the sale - whoops! Guess I won't be purchasing it for a year or so, time to take it off my waitlist on isthereanydeal...

You can wait for the next steam sale to hopefully buy it on there at with a discount.

I think I will, and some of the bugs have hopefully been ironed-out by then, I've been reading some reviews on there and it's been... interesting. Glad I didn't jump in now, to be honest.

The game is awesome,  I am just getting this error to help u in the new updates :)



action number 1

of Draw Event

for object obj_con:

unable to convert string "" to number

at gml_Script_save_game


gml_Script_save_game (line -1)


(1 edit)

Reporting bugs is best done on the Discord server. There is a dedicated channel for bug reports.


link broken? says invite invalid on discord

(3 edits)

Still broken, tried a new one. That one worked once, then was broken too. Idk what I'm doing wrong, I'm not that active on Discord :(

In Homm3 "power" meant spell casting power. Here all units have a power rating, what does it mean?  Relatedly, will there be a manual that covers things like this?

It is a rating to tell you how powerful the unit is in general. It also has to do with the bar for how many units it takes up on your active army.

Aka you can only have like 100/100(random number not actual) at a time on the field. Then when it gets down a bit you send reinforcements to refill it.

Thanks! I have another question- Do any of the units have elemental immunities or resistances, for example are pyre creatures immune to fire? If s, is this displayed somewhere? If not, how do the  various "ultimate spells" differ? -each of them is "kill all."

(3 edits)

Not unless mentioned, which currently means no, there aren't any (there are units that have a magic resistance in general but not against certain types)

I assume there aren't such immunities, so you aren't screwed all of a sudden if you put points into fire magic and then face a Pyre enemy (like in your example), but like I said that's just an assumption.

I am not sure what you mean with your second question. There are different ultimate spells that do different things (you can read what they do in the lexicon) and even if there are similar spells in different magic schools, then they would still at least scale with different skills.

Also if you have more questions you can join the Discord server, there are usually more people there to answer questions.


(1 edit)

It is a fantastic game but it seems limited on larger maps or when multiplaying with my friends it ddos a lot. I won't quit playing by any means just throwing a few things to look at.

Last thing at the moment when you go from creating a new map and finish it then go back to the menu it does not matter what map you click on to play it crashes.

This game scratches an itch that has been there since about 2001.

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